Journals and University Presses

As of Saturday, February 3, 2024

Years ago, we collaborated with industry leaders to add targeted features to our audience management platform, Multipub. Through this partnership, we fine-tuned our robust solution to better meet the needs of University Presses and Journal Publishers. Since that time, we’ve grown our footprint in the industry, serving organizations, like yours, from Hawaii to Liverpool. 

Manage open access, site licenses, entitlements, eBooks, printed books, journals, conferences, multiple currencies and packaged or bundled products in one system. Designed for you, Multipub handles volume and issue numbers and your work with consortias. 

Streamline your workflow and data with our platform’s powerful integrations. Multipub works with agencies, like Ebsco and integrates with content hosting providers, such as Atypon, Silverchair, Highwire, Discover, and others.

Features Designed to Power Journals & University Presses


Subscription Management




CRM System


General Functionality

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